AnimatorHD - Stop Motion Software
professional stop motion and previsualization software


3D stereography / multiangle
background mode
big time code window
chroma key
difference key
export to Adobe After Effects
export to images & AVI
frame averaging
lipsync and audioscope
onion skin
shortcuts & serial port
rotoscope mode
still cameras support
time lapse
video deck remote control
zoom tool

still cameras support

AnimatorHD is compatible with compact and DSLRs cameras:


and all the rest with bundled PC based remote software.

AnimatorHD (AHD) works with cameras in Folder mode. In this mode AHD is monitoring browsed folder for new pictures. They may come from many sources, not only a camera (e.g. from graphics application).
What does this mean? You can use any digital still camera with bundled PC remote capture software. Integrated in AHD Canon and Nikon remote is only such a controller. What you need is set proper, the same folders in both application. If Autograb is turned on (above the Grab button in the Mix Window) all captured pictures in remote software will be automatically added into active sequence. If is is turned off, just in the Preview window

- Built-in Canon and Nikon DSLRs Remote Controller - support for multiple cameras at the same time - release all by one click!
Integrated with Timelapse tool as well.
Usable for creating sequeces consist of up to 4 takes
or stereophotography.
All cameras can to have own live reference! (video assist)
For Release and Preview can be assigned a shortcut.

- Advanced support for huge pictures. Instant playback, fast and easy timeline access. Onion skinning.


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